Yesterday during my online SQL Server class, I was trying to attach 10 GB size version of StackOverflow database that I used previosly with another instance. When I
Recently I was working on one user request to create a linked server for Oracle database in SQL Server 2014 instance. After installing the correct Oracle ODBC drivers,
Recently I was reading about Temporal Tables feature that has been introduced with SQL Server 2016. So, as usual, I thought to get the knowledge in practice with
Recently I was working on a SQL query in my inventory database, and was greeted with below error message:- Cannot resolve the collation conflict between “Latin1_General_CI_AS” and “SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS”
Recently I tried to setup Database Mail profile in SQL Server 2016 instance using 2-Step authenticated GMail account. Even after setting up mail profile as per standard configuration
In my previous organization, working as Senior SQL Developer, I was often asked for help by fellow colleagues for identifying issues inside long and complex TSQL codes. Finding
I often receive the question – what is the best way to find issues when client/user complaints of deadlock issues? Msg 1205, Level 13, State 51, Line 10
Recently I received an incident for low disk space on mount point dedicated to system databases on development sql server. So I started checking SQL Server Error logs