Setup SQLServer Alerts with Open Source SQLMonitor
|If you are responsible for managing & monitoring SQLServers, then it is mandatory to have monitoring and alerting for critical issues of your SQL Servers.
For this purpose, open source SQLMonitor now has built-in Alert Engine. With the capability of this alert engine, alerts can be sent to Slack & Email to various teams. The following are some advantages –
- Alert Engine has the capability to send alerts to Slack, PagerDuty or Email
- Alerts can be sent to various teams including the DBA team
- To avoid alert spamming, the Alert Key method is used to identify alerts uniquely
- Alert Engine uses Slack Threads for updates thus avoiding spamming on Slack.
- Each update on the alert is saved in the alert history table. Thus, there is no loss of any alert details.
- Alerts auto-clear if the issue is gone, and auto-resolve after threshold time.
- Alerts can be Acknowledged, Cleared, Suppressed & Resolved from Slack itself.
Alert Engine is built using Python & SQLServer. Adding new alerts is very easy.
At the time of writing this blog, I have added 14 core alerts include blocking, ag latency, CPU, memory, disk latency etc.
How to Setup Alert Engine
To setup the alert engine, following steps are required –
- Create slack bot following this Youtube Playlist.
- After completing the tutorial, we should be able to send slack messages.
- Sample python code for testing slack messages – Python-Scripts/
- Setup Credential Manager on SQLServer. We save & retrieve sensitive details like slack tokens, pagerduty api etc in this.
- Using Credential-Manager/SCH-[dbo].[credential_manager].sql, create credential manager table
- Create required procedures
- Set appropriate permissions using Credential-Manager/SCH-Permissions.sql
- While creating the certificate, we should use some strong Encryption Password
- Sample usage – Credential-Manager/QRY-Usages-CredentialManager.sql
- Create alert engine related objects
- Create tables & add slack_bot_token etc to Credential manager.
- Alerting/SCH-Create-Alert-Objects.sql
- This creates tables like dbo.sma_oncall_teams, dbo.sma_alert, dbo.sma_alert_history etc.
- Add DBA team entry in table dbo.sma_oncall_teams preferrably with alert_method slack.
- Create all procedure objects. This list may update in future.
- Update details in dbo.sma_params table relevant to alert engine.
select * from dbo.sma_params p where p.param_key in ('dba_slack_bot','dba_slack_channel_id','dba_slack_channel_name')
- update other params also in dbo.sma_params including dashboard & panel urls
- Create tables & add slack_bot_token etc to Credential manager.
- Setup a webserver running core python script Alerting/
- This script has built-in scheduler to running various alerts at 5, 10 & 15 minutes schedule.
- Also, it runs the webserver at port 5000 using flask for testing purpose.
- I am using ngrok in my lab environment to setup & listener to slack events for interactive slack messaging.
With monitoring & alert feature, SQLMonitor can serve as an enterprise monitoring tool. I have tested SQLMonitor with a total of 200+ servers. It works seemless without any issue.
I hope this will be helpful to anyone looking for open source SQLServer monitoring and alerting tool. If you like the blog, do like and subscribe. Thanks.